Wednesday, December 2, 2015

RAT MODE: 3g is disabled

Can you help me with this one?
Well, I got this phone (I don't know if its Korean or China phone - all I know is it is a Samsung S6 CLONE), well everytime I sign in my google it says that the model is HDC S6. Anyway. I have it for a month now and I noticed that it doesnt have an option of changing the network type. Then, I did a research about it. I got two options. First is to enter the engineering mode (*#*#4636#*#) but wverytime I change the network type it says 3G IS DISABLED. I also tried it in RAT mod, it says the same error message when I change it to WCDMA only or WCDMA preferred. My second option is to download the Mobileuncle tool but nothing changed.

Do I still have a remedy on this one? Or none at all? Cause it sucks that I cant use data with 3G. Edge is veeeery slow and it cant even load facebook. Please help.

from xda-developers

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