Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Nexus 6 bought via Motorola has different sounds than Nexus 6 bought via PlayStore?


I ordered a Nexus 6 via Motorola online store in the recent days.

Yesterday it was delivered :D

I'm very happy so far (upgraded from my good old Nexus 5).

BUT: I'm totally unhappy with the stock sound package. The sounds for ringtones, notifications etc have the same names as they had on my Nexus 5 (stock) e.g. Rhea, Triton but they sound very different.

Did Google create other sounds for the Nexus 6 but named them like the sounds of the Nexus 5 or did Motorola change the stock sounds to be different?

I could check if I flashed a factory image but I don't want to do the whole set up and configuration again...

Sorry for my bad English!

Hope someone can help me out!

from xda-developers

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