Saturday, July 30, 2016

MSM8994DownloadTool.exe Won't Work For My OPT

MSM8994DownloadTool.exe Won't Work For Me
I need help.

My phone is stuck on the fastboot screen, meaning I can only Power if off and into Fastboot (using the Vol+ and Power buttons). Other than that, it does nothing. I cannot get into the OS at all, which means I can't enable USB debugging or anything. Fastboot recognizes my device, which is a OnePlus Two), but ADB won't, nor will my Windows 7 PC as a USB device. With that in mind, I followed all the steps in the posted guide. I get all the way to running the "MSM8994DownloadTool.exe" and nothing happens. Its as if the Recovery Tool doesn't even see my device. So, I'm really stuck and don't know what to do.

For clarity, here's exactly what I did (see below). I get all the way to Section B, Step 2 and that's where it breaks down. There's no different line, and no process ever runs, even after waiting 30 minutes. I ran the tool as Administrator, but still no luck. Can anyone help me? Just as additional info, my Mac also does not recognize my OPT as a USB device. Also, I tried my backup USB-C cable from the OEM, with the same results.

A. Install the Certificates followed by the Qualcomm drivers.
1. Restart your computer with Driver Signature Enforcement Disabled (Advanced Startup) Let me Google it For You
2. Open the folder "qc" and install the Test Certificate in the following Stores: Trusted Root, Trusted Publisher, Third-Party Root and Personal
3. Run the Qualcomm setup wizard (also located in the qc folder)
4. When completed, restart your PC again with Driver Signature Enforcement Disabled (Advanced Startup)
5. Turn off your phone and disconnect the USB cable from the phone.
6. Hold vol-up and plug in the USB(Do not press Power button). The screen will stay black but you will hear a sound from windows that a device is attached.
7. The driver should now automatically install. If not, go to device manager and right click "Unknown Device" and click "Update Driver" Search up the QC folder and press ok. The driver should now install. (Got the RELINK issue? Take a look here:

B. Flashing Process
1. Open the OnePlus2_14_A.11_151211 folder and open "MSM8994DownloadTool.exe"
2. Look if your phone is detected in the list. everything is Chinese but you will see one row with different chinese text from the rest within the list. If not, recheck if driver is detected in Device Manager (If not, go back to Step A - Line 4).

from xda-developers

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