Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lockscreen Camera and Gallery like iOS on CM13?

One of the few things I like about iPhone is its integration of lockscreen and camera.

On an iPhone, I can swipe up on the lockscreen to open camera. I can also view photos that are taken during that session without unlocking the phone.

On CM13, I can also swipe up on the lockscreen to open camera, but I have to unlock the phone in order to access the gallery. What's worse is that if I keep the gallery opened when I lock the phone, I can no longer access the camera from lockscreen. When I swipe up the camera shortcut, the lockscreen will get stuck (i.e. no shortcut, no unlock pattern), and I have to turn the screen off and on again to unlock.

I think some brands actually implement lockscreen camera in the same way as iOS. I wonder if I can achieve the same on CM13.

from xda-developers

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