Saturday, May 28, 2016

S7 Edge Missing Features

I just bought S7 Edge and i find it so strange that no one is talking about those missing Features ??:mad:

For Example:confused::

1- Camera Modes MIssing..
  1. Drama Shot ( this mode is in s4 & s5 )
  2. Animated Photo ( Gif where you can only select a part of the photo to animate )
  3. Double Shot ( like taking photo with the rear and front camera )
  4. Best Face

2- Apps
  1. Group Play
  2. Video player ( you cant pause video and take Snapshot from video like i used to do in S4 / S5 )

Why did they remove all that from S7 and they were cool features?

Please let me know if i can replace those Modes/Apps with anything else ?


from xda-developers

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