Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Huawei w2 update 8.0 to 8.1

Author instructions
Original instructions
1) You should be the last update for w2 through prewiew for developers OS version .155
2) Go to the refresh and make sure that no more updates

Update to 8.1:
1) Downloading the utility to send updates to your phone
2) remove it from the archive at any place
3) Downloading the update itself
Extract the .cab files from the archive
3) Create a folder on your C cabs and copy all the files to update
4) Connect your phone to the PC by usb and go in the Update menu, but do not click "Check for updates" (just go and keep the display always enabled (not disabled))
5) Go to the i386 folder with the extracted program to send updates, there will be a lot of files, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and hit the right mouse button on an empty space in the folder menu appears, click "Open Command Window"
6) Open the command line, write it:
iutool -l

In the teams should determine the phone (his model, etc.)
7) Re-write in the box:
iutool -v -p C: \ cabs
We look at the phone to begin the update, wait for when the phone will reboot and the gears, then close the command window and disconnect the phone
8) We are waiting when will the update, after you have a 8.0 version of the OS but .166
9) Again, go to the update Hit and simply verify the update, and then the phone will find the upgrade to 8.1
sorry my english.
How has bootloader for huawei w2-u00?

from xda-developers

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