Sunday, August 28, 2016

[Q] Error on decompile & clock widget

1 trouble.

Why I'm my Sony Xperia E1 (D2005) don't work thin font style in clock widget? Anybody know, how solve this problem? I was very happy, if me anybody help to solve this bug. Thank.

2 trouble.

I cannot make working deodex. In 4 of 5 trying I have a dont working System.apk (his not visible in launcher). Latest trying Setting be decompile, but his not working - "sorry, setting force stop blah blah". Framework to be installed - framework-res.apk & SemcUxpGeneric.apk ( I try make with Cygwin on Win10 and Ubuntu Xenial Xerus in latest Android Kitchen by @dsixda's.) I don't know, why deodex not finish successful.
Sorry for offtop (my thread are slowly dead and people not responding. I write too in and I not any answer to my problem.)

Надіслано від мого D2005, використовуючи Tapatalk

from xda-developers

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